Thursday, August 14, 2008

Night 2: Raisin' Hell In Brattleboro

So we decided to go in to Brattleboro to see TJ's band the "Truckdrivin' Neighbors Downstairs" play my favorite southern Vermont dive, the Mole's Eye Cafe. The ladies showed up midway through so we ended up closing the place and dancing up a storm. There were several highlights but I enjoyed the lead singer asking over the mic during a Johnny Cash song, "Hey Lee, what happens next?" Happily, I provided a hint toward the forgotten lyrics. I then joined them onstage for the last song, where we rehearsed our medley to great acclaim.

2008 LTG Lake Birthday 006 by you.

We returned to the house where some peeled off to bed, while some stayed up playing throw pong. It has to be said, after well over a decade of my dominance, Sugarpants RULED the table. Well done Chris. The band ended up coming over and staying on the porch with us until 4:00am.

2008 LTG Lake Birthday 021 by you.

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