Friday, January 08, 2010

Chris Dodd

As most of you know, I am DEEPLY apolitical. I love character. So I love John McCain. But I am a registered independent. Both parties have let me down.

But I am very proud of where I am from. And after a self-serving tour in the Senate, The Great State of Connecticut's Senator Chris Dodd said he wouldn't run again with this line that truly, truly bothers me:

"There's nothing more pathetic, in my view, than a politician who announces they are only leaving public life to spend more time with their family."

But at least he had the class to make this announcement with his family standing right behind him.

How dare you sir. Is there really nothing more pathetic? Or have you just let the public in on the secret that that term is code for someone who has stepped down because they don't want anything untoward brought to the fore? Like you knew you couldn't win the next election because of your scandals?

No matter what I do, no matter where my career takes me, if I ever had to step down to take care of my family, I would be God DAMNED if it wasn't the right thing to do that made me do it.

NOTHING could ever be more important. So how DARE YOU compare career and the concept of family. Or even worse...


How dare you sir.

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