Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Harry Connick Jr. on Broadway

Terrific. I got there late due to a long Board meeting but enjoyed the heck out of the show. His crooner stuff doesn't do it for me but I did arrive just in time to see him bring his Dad out to do a number which was cool as, for whatever reason, I have always missed Harry Sr. in New Orleans. and then he opened the second act with "Junco Partner" alone on a stand-up piano and cranked a New Orleans-heavy hour+ of music. delightful.

he ended with Professor Longhair's "Mardi Gras in New Orleans" and then "Bourbon Street Parade" (written by his hilarious friend / trombone player Lucien's uncle Paul Barbarin) for an encore that just got EVERYONE jumping. so, as we were exiting the theater I asked the Wyfe, loudly enough for her parents both to hear, "Tell me why we don't live in New Orleans again?"

and her Dad answered, "'Cause we couldn't do this every night!"

I took that as some sort of minor victory. obviously, and likely only for that moment, he considered it... and then I countered with "But wouldn't it be fun to try...."

keeping the dream alive...

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