Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh that wonderful little boy...

he's had a rough week. he fell on Monday and the book he was carrying caught his chin, resulting in a big scrape. he must have bit his tongue or his cheek as well because there was a lot of blood coming out of his mouth. A LOT. he was so scared... (he wasn't the only one!) he shook it off very quickly though, as is his way and with remarkable healing powers. we walked down to meet Mommy for lunch because well... Mommies have special healing powers. and he ate like nothing happened, nor hurt inside his mouth. PHEW!

then nightmares last night that kept him awake, until he fell asleep between us with one hand on each to make sure we were there.

that little kid melts my heart. a lot of talk before he was born about discipline & not spoiling him but, truth be told, I'm a giant softie...

1 comment:

piroko said...

That kid drives you crazy in many different directions, but you love him! Being a parent is such a joy ( and off course a lot of the other issues, but hey....)