Friday, May 18, 2007


I had always thought heroes were unnecessary. They were for comic books. I had never idealized anyone. You should be your own hero, in your own myth, I thought. Then I read Joseph Campbell, and he became a hero of mine.

Then my Father died. And I realized what he accomplished, and what he sacrificed (and my Mother too) to give my brother & I the life we have the luxury to lead. And he, and she, became heroes to me.

Then I learned more. About this country. About sacrifice. About my Uncle Harry. Who served in Vietnam, through horrors that we can only imagine. And he too became a hero to me.

and I realized.... Heroes exist. And they exist for a reason -- we need them. You & I will never be tested , God willing, the way my Uncle Harry was.

But we can believe... Because they, these heroes, have been tried & tested FOR US. And they have been found deserving FOR US.

Last night I had the great honor to meet another of my personal heroes - Senator John McCain. His story is well known by now, of the 5 YEARS he spent as a POW in Vietnam and his service to this great nation.

Last night, once again, John McCain made me believe.

This country is going through a very hard time -- I can feel the fabric of The Flag ripping. But it matters what heroes we choose, for they are us. And they should represent the best in us.

McCain is a hero. And I choose him. Hopefully the rest of the nation will as well...

Tried, tested, and found deserving... I hate politics with every fiber of my being, but John McCain is the only person in the race who DESERVES to be President. He's bled for it.

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