Thursday, April 16, 2009


Wow...  The new Rock n' Bowl location in New Orleans has opened (@ Carrolton & Earhart)!  VAST CONGRATULATIONS to John Blancher & his team.  An incredible achievement in a troubled time and, yet again, John leads by example with his commitment to New Orleans...  Once again, Rock n' Bowl inspires.

The old Rock n' Bowl is my favorite bar on earth.  Literally.  Numero Uno.  And it is where I met my Wyfe.  So while it will be sad to see it go, I trust in John and Rock n' Bowl and to make that kind of investment in the city...  I am sure it will be epic.  As TJ just wrote me, "cant buy or duplicate character and history unfortunately.  ouch.  nor am i one to judge, but i concede i'm kind of bummed. "

in large part I agree.  and am sad that we won't be able to take our kids (once they are old enough to drink) to the site where their parents met.  But John has earned the right to play this out any way he sees fit and history has to start somewhere.

So despite my deep personal feelings for the old location, I will be the first one in line to support John and the new Rock n' Bowl.  

1 comment:

neal t said...

the new place is great!!! as john says give him time. in a year he'll have added 'character' enough that we'll be way over it. even in this short time being open the duplicating of the old place is incredible. he's trying to get the ballpark mural out of old place, but even without it, that part of the new place still reminds one of the old corner, with the white washed wood it maintains the feel of being tucked in the corner, as the old ballbark room did. the space between lanes and dance floor is great improvement without changing the feel much. with a full house the first saturday night of jf had the same feel as old one place but upgraded.
concur with your ranking of r n b #1 bar in the land, though i'd rather call it a nightclub because as simple as the idea of mixing bowling and live music john did it first and best, and without that mixture it would be another bowling alley unvisited by 90% of the people willing to pay $20+ for live music.
u 2 can still bring your children to old place as long as they don't tear it down, which judging by +katrina improvements ain't likely.